"What inspired me to do all this was when I went to my first Summer Jam back in 03 or 04 I believe, and I actually saw how hundreds of people adored these rappers who were similar to the people but the rappers spoke their story to millions. What most captured my attention though was that people actually cared to hear these artist stories. So in a week Swagga Squad Label was formed, but it was only a group of my two cousins and me at the time. We weren't official, just a bunch of kids writing songs. Then in 05 I stopped writing. Why? I do not know to this day. In 09 I started rapping again, and a week before my birthday I made my YouTube page http://www.youtube.com/swaggasquadlabel. Back then I had just a computer and a camera, but in 2010 I got serious about my work and purchased a laptop, mic, and other various recording programs & equipment. I taught myself how to edit all my music and ever since then my fanbase has been gaining daily. This past weekend some of my favorite YouTube musicians got together and made a group called First Flight Music Group (http://www.youtube.com/FirstFlightMusicGrp). We are planning to stay consistent with this just as we are with our solo careers, and we plan to take over 2011. We want to try to do a few shows over the summer to promote the group too. We would appreciate everyone who can support us." - Mimi
Mimi's favorite songs by herself are : Every Single Day, Like I Do, Flow Tight, Double Bubble, What's My Name Remix, and It's All Good